Michi Rossmeier

Former Freestyle Windsurf Pro Creator of Tricktionary books and apps
Tarifa / Spain (Summer at Lake Garda / Italy)
45 years old
Wing foiling since 2019






KiteSurfSUPWindsurfWing FoilSurf Foil

Questions & Answers

What other water sports do you do and how long?

Windsurf freestyle and a bit of wave, windfoil, kite strapless and wave, wingfoil, and surfing.

What do you like about wing foiling?

The big wind range and that there is so much to learn, like freestyle windsurfing in the early days - freestyle - every day a new thing to learn!

How did you learn and how long did it take you to wing foil?

Learned at Lake Garda, learning to go took just 1-2 sessions, improving ever since!

What is your favorite gear combination and why?

Fanatic Sky Wing 5'0 with Tricktionary Footstraps (!) Duotone Echo 4.0 Moses Onda 82 with 790 fronting Just feels perfect!

What was your favorite wing surfing session?

Too many of them!

What do you want or believe will significantly improve the wing foiling gear?

every development will significantly improve things, it's great already, awesome to be there to see what more is to come!

What tips or recommendations do you have for anyone who wants to start?

Just try, don't worry, it is awesome! And use Footstraps as soon as possible (I am teaching with footstraps right from the start!), it gives sooo much more stability.

What is your biggest water sport achievement?

10th overall windsurf freestyle PWA 2010