Leandre Carlier Arquoit
Questions & Answers
What other water sports do you do and how long?
I practice the surf, surf foil, windsurf, wingsurfing, sup foil, skimboard, wake surf, bodysurf, bodyboard. I start 12 years ago.
What do you like about wing foiling?
I think is the feeling stolen and the liberty of this sport. You can do freestyle, race or surfing with the same support.
How did you learn and how long did it take you to wing foil?
I learn the wing solo and I think 4-5 sessions to hold the flight.
What is your favorite gear combination and why?
I think in foil the AFS alpha wing foil with an 82 of the mast,1500 front wing, and 350 of stab. For the board my s4f surfboard or my Fanatic sky sup 6.8’, 125 liters, and finally for the wing my Duotone 5m foilwing and my 7m Duotone Echo.
What was your favorite wing surfing session?
I don’t have favorite session all sessions are different, it’s too hard to choose just one.
What do you want or believe will significantly improve the wing foiling gear?
The foil shape and the shape of all wing.
What tips or recommendations do you have for anyone who wants to start?
I think start with a big board (110 -120 liter and 5.8’ - 6.5’) to have a good support for start and the most important take pleasure and have fun.
What is your biggest water sport achievement?
I won the Extreme Cordouan in wing foil on August 2019