Bastien Escofet

I’m 22 years old from France now living in Western Australia. I mainly do windsurf in waves and also in foil, as I’m training for 2024 Olympic games. Since October 2020 I started wing surfing, I fell totally in love with this new sport. I practice it mostly in waves and freestyle, for the adrenaline boost! But I also like to do down winder. I recently won the “King of the cut” a 30km downwind competition i run through just under 1 hour. My main goal for this season is to enter the Wingfoil world tour as soon as the Australians borders will be reopened. And win the Australian wave national in Margaret River to be able to participate in the Maui aloha Classic in Hawaii at the end of the year.
27 years old
Wing foiling since October 2020


SurfSUPWindsurfSurf FoilWing Foil

Questions & Answers

What other water sports do you do and how long?

Windsurfing for 16 years, surfing and riding mountain bike.

What do you like about wing foiling?

The freedom it gives. You are not hooked to anything, can go up wind quite easy but still ride good have. Also it make most of the wave, or even only swell, rideable!

How did you learn and how long did it take you to wing foil?

I learn by myself, watching a few videos before! And it took me a couple of days, i start straight away on my small prone board.

What is your favorite gear combination and why?

I use a 4'6 prone board from Patrik Windsurf ( with 82 carbon mast, 1100 foil and a 4.5 wing, all from the same brand. With this kit I can go out in pretty much all condition, windy or not, flat or waves, it just work for everything. And I can do sharp turns with my mini tail wing that I made!

What was your favorite wing surfing session?

In Margaret River, Western Australia during the Christmas holidays. It was a solid 6 feet swell with 20knts side-off shore. I had a few nice turns right on the pocket, and shared that session with 15 other wingers. It was sick to share waves with so many foilers!

What do you want or believe will significantly improve the wing foiling gear?

Separate the different discipline like Wave/ Freestyle/ Race to allow for more specific equipment, therefore go faster, higher, better!

What tips or recommendations do you have for anyone who wants to start?

Start on big foil and big board to go slow.

What is your biggest water sport achievement?

First front loop and back loop on Wind foil (2016).