Romain Guerif
Questions & Answers
What other water sports do you do and how long?
Surfing & Kitesurfing for 10 years and WingFoiling & SurfFoiling for 1 year.
What do you like about wing foiling?
The liberty. No harness just gliding and flying.
How did you learn and how long did it take you to wing foil?
I started foiling behind a boat and after with the wing. It’s probably the best for learning WingFoil. For the wing, it’s really easy to use you don’t have many possibility.
What is your favorite gear combination and why?
I used the Swing 5m and 4.2m, Drift S 4’10 33L by KT and the Phantom 1280 by F-One. For foilsurfing and freestyle. I like the lightness and the maneuverability that it brings.
What was your favorite wing surfing session?
Not mine but the one I saw last year with all the F-One team during our dealers meeting in Mauritius.
What do you want or believe will significantly improve the wing foiling gear?
The development is going so/too fast. I think in 10years we will be laughing at the gear we used today. In the future, the wings will be faster, lighter, more stable with high level of performance for each disciplines Race, freestyle, wave.
What tips or recommendations do you have for anyone who wants to start?
Go on my website or write me an email 😂
What is your biggest water sport achievement?
Surfoiling a tidal bore 10mn on the same wave.