Daniel Pankoke

Action oriented photographer who love to do all things I photograph. Wingsurfer for wingsurf school Fehmarn and signature performance gear.
From Germany/Bielefeld riding around Fehmarn
36 years old
Wing foiling since August 2020


SurfSurf FoilWing Foil

Questions & Answers

What other water sports do you do and how long?

I do surfing since 2014 and wakeboarding.

What do you like about wing foiling?

It feels like freedom.

How did you learn and how long did it take you to wing foil?

I learned fast, but I was more than 100 times on the water from August to October this year.

What is your favorite gear combination and why?

Still trying, love the 1500 gravity from fone for jumps, the 210 signature Albatros for waves, pump and normal runs.

What was your favorite wing surfing session?

My first backflip training day. Open water, around 20 knots, my friend and me using a 4.8 f one board and trying to land a backflip. We just kicked one wing with a big hole :D

What do you want or believe will significantly improve the wing foiling gear?

Glide and loose foils.

What tips or recommendations do you have for anyone who wants to start?

It’s not as hard as you thing, the only thing that counts is watertime.

What is your biggest water sport achievement?

Nothing at the moment, looking forward to do be the first German doing a backflip on a wing foil.