Hugo Marin

I’m Hugo, I am 19 years old and addicted to water sports.
Near to Montpellier, south of France in mediterranean sea
24 years old
Wing foiling since June 2020






KiteSurfSurf FoilWing FoilSUP

Questions & Answers

What other water sports do you do and how long?

I do kitesurf, surf and surf foil for 6 years, and wingfoiling for a year.

What do you like about wing foiling?

The freedom and be able to take dozens of waves at each session. The foil make all sessions good so with the wing is even better.

How did you learn and how long did it take you to wing foil?

One day I was at the beach and I saw Raph Salles test some wing and I also decided to try. I succeeded on the first try, I was already doing a lot of surf foiling and kitesurfoiling.

What is your favorite gear combination and why?

F-One strike 4.2 with rocket surf 4.4 and 840 from F-One foil. This is the complete wingfoil set for me.

What was your favorite wing surfing session?

It was in Guadeloupe this winter on a reef off Port Louis with incredible waves and no one on the water except us :)

What do you want or believe will significantly improve the wing foiling gear?

The foil is constantly evolving from year to year and even more recently with the appearance of the wing foil, I think we have to test some small foil to increase speed movement and carving, you have to find a compromise between lift and high speed.

What tips or recommendations do you have for anyone who wants to start?

Never give up, and it will be even more fun after.

What is your biggest water sport achievement?

I think the discipline of the foil and everything that around the foil like downwind, surfing waves, freestyle, etc.